Creative ways to feed Lyka

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Creative ways to feed Lyka | Lyka Pet Food Journal

Eating out of the same bowl day after day can get a little repetitive, no matter how tasty the food is. We’ve asked a few members of the Lyka pack how they keep mealtimes interesting for their puppers, and we got some very fun responses!

Not only are these exciting ways to switch up how your dog’s food is served; they act as great ways to slow down your pup’s eating if you find that they get through their meals too quickly.

Beren with his lick mat

Beren’s fur mama loves to put some of his dinner in a lick mat.

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Bear with his Moo Tube

Bear’s fur mama fills a moo tube with Lyka, and Bear can’t wait to start munching away!

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Monty with his Kong toy

Monty’s fur mama, sticks a Kong toy full of our Free-Range Chicken Bowl in the freezer, a great way to enjoy Lyka in the hotter months.

How do you like to feed your Lyka?

Inspired to change up your pupper’s dinner? Try one of these tips to give your dog our fresh food in a new way using a fun toy or treat. If you’ve got a different trick that you like to use, we’d love to see it! Tag us on Instagram or send us an email showing us your creative dinners for a chance to appear on our socials.

Lyka: fun all on its own

Serving your dog’s food doesn’t have to just be from a bowl – changing things up at mealtimes can be a great way to give pupper something fun to do, with the reward of our tasty, fresh food! However, not every meal needs a toy: simply serve up Lyka in your dog’s bowl and let them dig in. They’ll enjoy the great taste of our meals, and you’ll enjoy the peace of mind that comes from knowing you’re giving your dog our vet-designed, complete and balanced meals. Want to know more? Head to our website, and start building your box today.

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A picture our range of Lyka meals

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