Your holistic guide to owning Dachshunds

By Helen Knight

Good things come in small packages and when it comes to pocket-sized pups with big personalities, Dachshunds are hot dogs with all the sauce!
There’s a lot to consider when a Dachshund joins your pack, from feeding them the right food to taking care of their sausage-shaped bodies. So, where do you start?
Whether you’re in the early stages of considering a puppy or already have a dog, this is your go-to guide to parenting Dachshunds. Our holistic approach covers all the ins and outs of your pup’s health, from diet and nutrition to physical and mental wellbeing, including:
What does a Dachshund look like?
Caring for a Dachshund puppy
How to train a Dachshund
How to groom a Dachshund
Exercise requirements for a Dachshund
Feeding your dashing Dachshund
Common health issues for Dachshunds
Dachshund FAQs
What does a Dachshund look like?
Sausage dogs, weiner dogs or hot dogs — Dachshunds have many nicknames that affectionately describe their long bodies and short legs. With hound-like faces and long floppy ears, it’s easy to see how they win the hearts of dog-lovers.
Dachshunds stem from both hound and terrier origins and are either standard, miniature or Kaninchen (rabbit) in size. Their coats also range from short-haired, long-haired or wire-haired and come in multitudes of colours: chocolate, black and tan, blue, dapple, brindle, cream, white and piebald.
Believe it or not, behind their cute faces and floppy ears is a brave and independent hunter — they can be spirited, fearless and stubborn in nature. But they’re also affectionate and devoted companion dogs that love being around their pack.
Different types of Dachshunds
Dachshund literally means ‘badger dog’ in German, which is exactly what they were originally bred to hunt over 600 years ago. Their short legs and keen sense of smell made finding scent trails easy, while their narrow bodies allowed them to crawl down burrows into badger setts.
There are three different types of Dachshunds:
Short-haired Dachshund
Also known as smooth-haired, this is the most common type of Dachshund, usually in a black and tan, or red colour. They have a single coat of short fur, which means they may feel cold during the winter months.
Wirehaired Dachshund
The wire-haired Dachshund was originally bred to have a hardier coat for hunting in and around thorny patches. This type has short straight hair over most of its body except for longer, coarse hair around their jaw, eyebrows, ears and chin, giving them the delightful impression of a bearded old man.
Long-haired Dachshund
Bred to withstand colder climates, the long-haired Dachshund has two coats like the wirehaired type. They tend to have shorter hair on their face but long hair elsewhere that requires regular grooming and maintenance. If one parent was a short-haired Dachshund, their litter might show variations in hair length.
It’s thought that to achieve the long hair, Dachshunds were crossed with a type of spaniel, leading to a more easy-going temperament than the other two types.
Dachshund Cross Breeds
Hybrid breeds have become popular in recent years to combine the favourable traits of the Dachshund and another selected breed.
Here are ten common crossbreed Dachshunds and the traits they’re bred for:
Doxipoo (Toy Poodle cross): Low-shedding, hypoallergenic coat
Dorgi (Corgi cross): Trainable temperament
Dameranian (Pomeranian cross): Luscious coat and affectionate personality
Dachshund Shepherd (German Shepherd cross): Larger stature and active nature
Dachshund Schnauzer (Miniature Schnauzer cross): Spirited and affectionate character
Docker (Cocker Spaniel cross): Playful and charismatic character
Dachsador (Labrador Retriever cross): Family-friendly Labrador traits
Dachmation (Dalmation cross): Distinctive spotted coat and active nature
Doxiechon (Bichon Frise cross): Lively and trainable temperament
Jackshund (_Jack Russell cros_s): A big-dog personality in a small package
How big does a Dachshund grow?
A Dachshund is fully grown by the time they are 12 months old. Their mature size and weight depend on whether they’re a standard, miniature or Kaninchen (rabbit) Dachshund.
Standard Dachshund:
Height: 20-22 cm
Weight: 9-14 kg (approx.)
Miniature Dachshund:
Height: 12-15 cm
Weight: Up to 5 kg (approx.)
Kaninchen Dachshund:
Height: Up to 15 cm
Weight: Up to 4 kg (approx.)
How long does a Dachshund live?
Dachshunds can live between 12-16 years. Miniature Dachshunds tend to live longer than standard types.
You can help your furry friend live a long and healthy life with a holistic combination of a nutritious diet and lifestyle choices like exercise and mental stimulation.
Caring for a Dachshund puppy
Whether you’re a first-time puppy parent or are just getting started, here’s what to expect.
Exercising a Dachshund puppy
How much exercise does a Dachshund puppy need?
Dachshunds are lively and intelligent dogs that require exercise and stimulation. When they’re still a puppy, avoid taking them on long walks or runs as it strains their joints and growth plates. Instead, take them for shorter walks and playtime at the park every day.
A general rule of thumb is five minutes of exercise for each month of age until they reach adulthood. Adult dogs need two moderate walks a day to stay fit and healthy.
Swimming is a great exercise option as it doesn’t put too much stress on their joints. Introduce swimming when your pup is young to encourage confidence in the water.
What size harness do I need for a Dachshund puppy?
A standard Dachshund puppy will usually need an XXS harness, while a miniature or Kaninchen Dachshund puppy may need an XXXS. A regular harness might not fit their proportions, so try on a few at the local pet shop first to get the right fit and style.
Enthusiastic puppies often pull at their collar and lead until they’ve mastered loose-leash walking.
Training a Dachshund puppy
Originally bred to hunt badgers independently, these Doxies have a lot of moxie, but they’re sensitive souls and respond best to positive reinforcement. Their intelligence makes them trainable, but their tendency to be stubborn can make it more challenging. With any kind of puppy training, it’s about consistency, repetition…and a lot of patience!
How to toilet train a Dachshund
Puppies can hold their bladder for approximately one hour for every month of age, so your puppy will need to eliminate frequently throughout the day and night. Try to use each time as an opportunity for training.
Successful toilet training relies on positive reinforcement to mark good behaviour. As soon as your puppy goes to the toilet in the desired area, reward them with praise and affection or a treat. Make sure you reward them right after they’ve relieved themselves so they connect it to the action.
Dachshunds learn quickly, but accidents do happen. Continue with consistent and patient training with praise and reward and they’ll be house-trained in no time.
How to crate train a Dachshund puppy
Crate training your Dachshund can be an effective way to support their toilet training and provide them with a den to relax and sleep in throughout their life.
Create a positive association with your pup’s crate with a cushioned pad to the base and a blanket covering three sides.
In the first few days, encourage your pup to interact with the crate without shutting them inside. Pop a treat inside and close the door so they’re keen to go in and get it, or add high-value toys to their den and let your dog play with them.
Dogs don’t like to sleep in the same place they go to the toilet, so you can use a crate to toilet-train them. Once they feel comfortable and safe in the crate, you can put your puppy inside for 20-30 minutes and then take them outside for a bathroom break. If they don’t go, repeat the exercise until they do.
Take crate training in small steps, always use it positively and not for punishment, be consistent and give yourself six months to achieve success.
When do Dachshund puppies calm down?
Dachshunds reach maturity when they’re approximately 12 months old. This is when you should notice more settled behaviour.
Feeding a Dachshund puppy
These plucky little puppies have sharp minds and are full of curiosity, so make sure to nourish their bodies and their brains with a high-quality diet.
When they’re young, Dachshunds need a diet that contains quality protein for tissue growth, essential vitamins and minerals for bone development and brain function and low GI carbohydrates for slow-release energy.
Your puppy’s microbiome (the millions of bacteria in your puppy’s gut) plays a vital role in digestion and the development of a strong immune system. A diet rich in various wholefood ingredients is an effective way to support the diversity of good bacteria and boost their immune and digestive systems.
The quantity of food is important to all puppies, especially Dachshunds. Too much food can lead to unnecessary weight gain, putting excess strain on their long backs that can lead to herniated discs — ouch!
You can give your pup any leftover dog-safe veggies, salads and lean meats from your table — great for your dog and for reducing landfill! But avoid feeding unhealthy scraps that are high in fat and salt and may contain garlic or onions.
Their sensitive snoots can easily sniff out snacks, so keep your cupboards closed and your bins lidded so your hot dog doesn’t become a chunky sausage roll!
How to train a Dachshund
Dachshunds are clever canines that can be relatively easy to train. However, their stubborn streak means they sometimes have selective hearing, and can easily be distracted by interesting smells.
Dachshunds can have a sensitive temperament and don’t respond well to harsh commands. We always recommend training using positive reinforcement for all dogs, not just Dachshunds.
How do I stop my Dachshund from biting?
Dachshund puppies love to explore the world around them with their mouth by chewing or gnawing. Try to discourage your pup from unwanted chewing and biting behaviours when they’re young. Have an adult that likes to chew? Don’t worry! You can still train mature dogs in the same way.
Each time they try to bite, end your interactions with them. They’ll soon learn that the consequence of biting is to lose the privilege of playing with you. You can also redirect their attention by providing specific chew toys so they understand what they’re allowed to gnaw and what’s off limits, like your new shoes!
How do I get my Dachshund to sleep at night?
If your Dachshund struggles to sleep or is crying at night, check if your routine is setting you up for success:
Make sure your dog has been exercised enough in the daytime so they’ve depleted their stored energy.
Feed them in the early evening so that their digestive system isn’t keeping them awake.
Allow them to go to the toilet just before bedtime so they’re less likely to wake up in the middle of the night with a full bladder.
Create a calm environment so they can wind down and prepare for sleep.
Ensure their bedding is comfortable and away from cold draughts. Short-haired Dachshunds can get cold in the winter and may appreciate a layer of clothing or pyjamas to keep them warm at night.
Be consistent with where you would like them to sleep. If they’re sleeping in your bed, they may cry if that routine changes. We recommend training them to sleep on their own bed every night so they know where their spot is.
With any training, the key is consistency and patience!
How do I train my Dachshund to be alone?
Dachshunds like to be near their pack, they don’t like to be alone for long periods of time and can develop separation anxiety.
With training, you should be able to leave your dog in the house for moderate periods. Start by leaving your home a few minutes at a time. This allows your pup to get used to your absence and reassures them that you will return. If your pup responds positively, you can slowly increase the time. If they start to become clingy, go back a few steps.
It can be tempting to shower your dog with lots of love and cuddles before you leave, but this makes your departure a big deal and can increase their anxiety. Try to leave and arrive with minimal fuss so they respond in a similar way.
How to groom a Dachshund
Long-haired and wire-haired Dachshunds need regular grooming to keep their coats in tip-top condition. Daily brushing and frequent trims help prevent matting and maintain their dashing good looks!
Get your puppy used to the grooming process from an early age so they become accustomed to the sensations, sounds and smells. They may not require a groom when they’re very young, but by desensitising them to the experience they’ll be more comfortable with it when they’re older.
If you’d like a fuss-free option, you can always take your Dachshund to a groomer. However, if you’d like to take care of grooming yourself, here’s where to begin:
How to clean a Dachshund’s ears
The distinctively long hound-like ears of Dachshunds can make them prone to infections. Check their ears regularly as part of their health and grooming routines for prevention. Get your pup used to their ears being touched from an early age so they’re used to being handled.
To clean their ears, use a clean, damp cotton pad to wipe the outer area and the visible part of the ear canal, but avoid inserting anything into the ear canal itself, as this can cause damage. Only clean their ears when required, as overcleaning can disrupt the natural balance of bacteria or cause inflammation.
For a more thorough clean, use a vet-recommended ear-cleaning solution.
If your dog scratches or rubs their ears a lot, they may have an ear infection that requires attention from your vet.
How often should Dachshunds be bathed?
Unless your pup has been rolling in something dirty or stinky, you should only wash them once every four to six weeks.
If you have a smooth-haired Dachshund, they may only require a gentle wipe-down with a damp cloth. Long-haired and wire-haired Dachshunds may need a bath more often as their coat can pick up dirt and debris.
Only use a dog-friendly shampoo that doesn’t irritate their skin or eyes.
How to trim a Dachshund’s nails
Nail trimming should be a part of your regular routine. Like grooming, introduce your puppy to the process and tools of nail trimming so they’re more comfortable with the experience.
When clipping your dog’s nails avoid cutting the quick that contains nerves and blood vessels. If you hold their paw up to the light, you can usually see a darker section inside the nail — this is the quick.
An easy way to avoid the quick is to use a specifically designed dog nail clipper that contains a safety guard. If you’re in any doubt, it’s better to trim too little, than too much. An alternative to nail clippers is a pet nail grinder, which is like an electronic nail file.
If they find nail trimming unpleasant, distract them with a chew or a toy and remember to reward them at the end to establish a positive relationship with the process.
Why does my Dachshund smell?
Clean and healthy Dachshunds, like all dogs, have a slight doggie aroma. But if your pup has a particularly unpleasant odour, it could be:
Irregular grooming. Long-haired and wire-haired Dachshunds need regular grooming to remove tangles and debris from their coat. Infrequent grooming can lead to smelly matted hair. Short-haired Dachshunds require less maintenance but can still benefit from a regular groom using a rubber brush.
Ear infections. Ear mites can leave a malodorous dark brown, waxy discharge in your pup’s ear. A quick trip to the vet should address the issue relatively quickly.
Oral health. All dogs should have their teeth brushed regularly. If your dog has smelly breath, they may have a dental issue, like gingivitis, that requires further investigation by your vet.
Skin infections or allergies. All dogs can suffer from allergies that trigger hives. When these are scratched, they are vulnerable to developing skin infections that can smell if left untreated.
Digestive issues. A diet that’s high in wheat, corn, or legumes such as beans, peas and chickpeas can affect your pup’s digestive system, leading to unpleasant gas or anal gland issues. Feed them a fresh, wholefood diet, like Lyka, which is more digestible and less gassy!
How to brush a Dachshund
Long-haired and wire-haired Dachshunds can be susceptible to matting if their coats aren’t trimmed or groomed regularly. Once a week, use a slicker brush to remove tangles, loose hair and debris from their dry coat.
Regular brushing is also an opportunity to check your dog for parasites, grass seeds, scratches or hot spots.
How to groom a Dachshund
Cutting your Dachshund’s hair can be challenging, so try to familiarise them with grooming from a young age. Before you begin, take them for a good walk to burn off any excess energy to help them to keep calm.
Use a slicker brush to groom their hair in the direction of growth so that you can see what needs to be trimmed. Groom around your pup’s eyes and muzzle with clippers or thinning shears, so they can see clearly and keep their face clean and mat-free.
Exercise requirements for a Dachshund
Dachshunds may be little but they’re not lazy lap dogs — they’re clever and lively and require daily exercise and plenty of mental stimulation at home. As a small breed they only need a moderate amount of space, making them ideal for houses and apartments.
Always be mindful of the type and frequency of exercise your Dachshund gets to minimise the risk of back strain or injuries. Your vet can also give you specific exercise advice based on your pup’s health and individual needs.
How much exercise does a Dachshund need?
30-60 minutes of low-intensity exercise per day should keep your standard Dachshund fit and healthy. Miniature and Kaninchen Dachshunds may require less.
How far can a Dachshund walk?
Dachshunds can easily walk up to five kilometres a day spread across their daily walks. They can be walk-trained and gradually build up to longer distances. Remember: they’re small dogs with short legs, which can make distance challenging.
How fast can Dachshund run?
Dachshunds can run up to 30 kph over short distances — speedy little sausages!
Can Dachshunds swim?
Dachshunds can swim, and many dogs enjoy a dip. They’re usually not very strong swimmers due to their body shape and short legs, but that doesn’t mean they can’t enjoy playing in water if they’ve been introduced to it gradually.
Can Dachshunds climb stairs?
Dachshunds can climb stairs, but too many steps or anything that strains their back or causes sudden jolts are worth avoiding, like jumping on and off furniture. You can make your home more accessible by using doggie ramps.
Feeding your dashing Dachshund
The foundation of excellent health and wellbeing comes from a nutritious, complete and balanced diet — for pups and their parents alike!
Free-feeding often leads to unnecessary weight gain, and as a small dog breed, a ‘one size fits all’ approach to feeding can affect their health. Portion control and food quality are necessary factors for good health.
Dry food often contains addictive sugars and sodium that increase palatability and long shelf life but often trigger inflammatory responses in a dog’s skin and gut that can cause lasting, irreparable damage.
Lyka’s vet-formulated meals are complete and balanced, and chock full of bioavailable, wholefood ingredients and essential vitamins and minerals. Our food is delivered to your door in convenient, personalised portions based on their breed, age, life stage and health — ideal for your little pup.
What to feed a fussy Dachshund
Dachshunds can often have sensitive stomachs which sometimes makes them fussy eaters. We recommend feeding your pup lightly cooked, human-grade food that’s highly digestible and avoids pro-inflammatory ingredients and high-GI carbohydrates like wheat, white rice and potatoes.
If you have a fussy pup, keeping them interested in their meals can also be a challenge. Some Dachshunds can get bored of the same food every day, so a diverse diet with a range of tasty recipes, like Lyka, could be the solution you’ve been looking for.
Encourage a healthy appetite by giving them sufficient exercise every day and not too many treats, and establish a good feeding routine so your dog can focus on their food in a safe spot without distractions.
Common health issues for Dachshunds
Dachshunds from reputable breeders are generally known to be healthy. But with any breed, they can inherit the predisposed health conditions of their parents.
Before planning a litter, respectable breeders will consider the health and temperament of their sires and dams to breed favourable characteristics. Always check the health of the puppy’s parents before selecting your new pup.
This breed is known for their tendency to gain weight easily. Kibble is typically made with 40% refined carbohydrates, which dogs have no requirement for and can contribute to weight gain. Feeding your pup fresh, human-grade food with quality proteins and low levels of carbohydrates can help maintain an optimal weight.
Dachshunds have also been connected to some common health concerns including behavioural issues and genetic musculoskeletal problems like intervertebral disc disease (IVDD) and patellar luxation.
Health issue #1 — behavioural issues
Dachshunds are clever dogs that were bred for their courage and independence as hunters. Nowadays, puppy parents are attracted to their small size, big personalities and affectionate natures, making them excellent companions and vigilant watch dogs. However, some of their desirable characteristics can sometimes become behavioural problems.
Separation anxiety
Dachshunds are friendly, loyal dogs that love to be around their family. They’re known to create a special bond with one person they favour over others. These traits are endearing, but their close attachment to the pack can lead to separation anxiety.
Separation anxiety is a complex condition that can be triggered by changes to their routine or their family members, house moves, long periods alone, or new parents.
Common signs of separation anxiety include:
Excessive barking, howling, whining or crying when left alone
Destructive behaviour (digging or chewing)
Salivating, panting or drooling
Urinating or defecating in the house
Trying to escape
If you suspect your pup is experiencing separation anxiety, speak to your vet — it’s not an uncommon issue, but it can be tricky to manage.
Excessive barking
Dachshunds are vocal with a surprisingly loud and deep bark. Barking is a form of communication to express a warning, boredom, excitement or anxiety — if they want your attention, they’ll tell you!
Enrichment activities that stimulate your dog’s mind, body and social skills are a great way to prevent boredom and reduce feelings of anxiety. Socialising them with other dogs and people from an early age can also reduce their reactivity, making them less likely to bark.
You can train your Dachshund to reduce their barking through training and positive reinforcement. Again, it’s always best to start this training from a young age, although it’s unlikely to stop the barking completely as this is ‘normal’ Dachshund behaviour.
Jumping up
Puppies often jump up at people when they are happy to see them — usually when their pack members return from work or school. There’s nothing better than an excited welcome home from your loving and loyal pup, but Dachshunds should be discouraged from jumping up as this can cause back problems like herniated discs.
You can train dogs to greet you in a different way. They jump up because they’ve missed you and want your attention, but by not engaging with your pup when they jump, you discourage this behaviour. When they’ve settled down, then you can positively reinforce their calm demeanour by giving them attention and praise.
Aggressive behaviour
Dachshunds were bred to be feisty and fearless to hunt large badgers with sharp teeth and claws. These instincts are strong and why they’re known to have a big personality for such a small dog.
You might notice protective behaviour like barking at strange people and dogs and a stubborn will when it comes to obedience. But if you notice aggressive behaviour such as growling, baring teeth or lunging at other people or dogs, then it’s vital to address the problem early on.
Training your Dachshund by early socialisation with other dogs and humans, and desensitising common triggers like food, treats, toys and leashes can reduce this unwanted behaviour. Seek advice from your vet, who can recommend training exercises or the support of a qualified dog trainer or pet behaviourist.
Did you know that many of the brain’s neurotransmitters affecting mood and behaviour are created in the gut?
When it comes to behavioural issues and feelings of stress and anxiety, support the health of your pup’s gut-brain axis with a fresh, wholefood diet that includes ingredients like:
Mushrooms: Contain beta-glucan to improve your Dachshund’s microbiome and metabolism.
Spinach: Rich in tryptophan and amino acid that create serotonin, and folate that produces dopamine — the good mood hormones.
Turmeric: Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, acts as a mood stabiliser.
Health issue #2 — musculoskeletal issues
Dachshunds are bred for their long bodies and short legs, despite no longer being used to hunt badgers. Their body shape predisposes them to a number of musculoskeletal health issues, including hereditary conditions like intervertebral disc disease and patellar luxation.
Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD)
1 in 4 Dachshunds experience a form of spinal disease during their life, ranging from minor discomfort, surgical intervention or inoperable.
IVDD is a condition of the spine where one of the cushioned discs between two vertebrae bulges out and puts pressure on the spinal cord. It causes severe pain, nerve damage and can even lead to paralysis — not what we want for our furry friends.
There are two types of IVDD, and Dachshunds are prone to Hansen Type 1. This is where the disc hardens and then is pushed out of position by a sudden jolt, compressing the spinal cord. It’s one of the main reasons why Dachshunds shouldn’t climb stairs, jump into cars or onto furniture.
Signs of IVDD in Dachshunds:
A curved or hunched back
Stumbling, dragging their back legs, or even paralysis
Decreased activity levels
A reluctance to shake their body
A difficulty in posturing to urinate or defecate
IVDD is usually a hereditary condition, but can be influenced by environment and lifestyle. Some puppies can be born with the disease but may not show signs until later in life. Although it can be a serious condition, it doesn’t necessarily affect their life expectancy.
As this breed is prone to developing back issues, try to prevent problems from occurring in the first place. Strengthening their back muscles to support their spine through regular exercise is an effective preventative measure.
Dachshunds can also gain weight easily, adding stress and strain to their long backs. Feed your pup controlled portions of a complete and balanced diet to keep them in tip-top condition.
Patellar luxation (dislocated kneecap)
Patellar luxation is another common hereditary condition that can affect Dachshunds. Abnormal joint development or misaligned muscles and tendons cause the patella (kneecap) to slip out of place.
Signs of patellar luxation in Dachshunds:
A characteristic skip or hop to avoid putting weight on the affected leg
There are four different grades of patellar luxation that identify the severity of the problem. Grade 1 identifies a temporary dislocation when pressure is added to the kneecap, whereas Grade 4 describes a permanent dislocation. Grade 1, can often be tolerated by a dog for some time, but it can lead to arthritis or other joint problems. Grades 2-4 may require surgery to fix the problem.
As both patellar luxation and IVDD are congenital diseases they cannot be avoided. Responsible breeders choose parents that don’t have a history of genetic disorders, but this can’t always guarantee good health. However, you can adjust their lifestyle and environment to minimise the stress on their joints and spine.
Ensure your Dachshund is at their optimal weight, even if they don’t have a congenital disorder, with a portion-controlled, high-quality diet.
Look for fresh, wholefood diets that contain these bioavailable ingredients known for their musculoskeletal-boosting properties:
Sardines: A powerful source of Omega 3 fatty acids and anti-inflammatory agents to support strong and supple joints.
Quinoa: Contains manganese for bone development.
Fennel Seeds: Rich in antioxidants to reduce the damage to joints caused by oxidative stress.
Lyka meals are personalised and portion controlled to keep your pup nourished and in excellent shape. Our tail-waggingly good recipes contain sardines, fish oil and flaxseed oil that support common joint ailments like luxating patellas, cruciate ligament ruptures and osteochondritis.
They also include a variety of vegetables and plant superfoods, rich in antioxidants and phytochemicals that can assist in protecting joints and joint fluid by decreasing free radicals.
To keep joints healthy, feed your Dachshund anti-inflammatory dog food with the right ratio of omega fatty acids. Lyka meals contain an optimal Omega 6 to Omega 3 ratio between 3:1 and 3.6:1: much lower than the AAFCO recommended maximum ratio of 30:1, which can be pro-inflammatory.
Our in-house Integrative Veterinarian, Dr. Matthew Muir alongside our board-certified veterinary nutritionists selected this range based on their expertise and recent scientific research, for optimal health.
Lyka’s customised portions reduce the additional stress on joints by helping to maintain a healthy weight. Our meals are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants to reduce inflammation and support joint health.
— Louise Hawkins, Qualified Vet Nurse at Lyka
Dachshund FAQs
Still have unanswered questions? Check out our FAQs below:
How to pronounce ‘Dachshund’
Dachshund should be pronounced daks-hund. It’s German for ‘badger dog’.
Are Dachshunds hypoallergenic?
Short-haired, long-haired and wire-haired Dachshunds all shed their fur moderately, so they’re not considered hypoallergenic.
Both the long-haired and wire-haired types have a double coat, which means they shed more than usual when the seasons change.
If you’re looking for a dachshund that’s best suited for allergy sufferers, consider a Doxiepoo, which is a Dachshund x Poodle. This hybrid is designed to benefit from the Poodle’s low-shedding, hypoallergenic coat.
Do Dachshunds get along with cats and other pets?
Dachshunds can get along well with cats and other pets, with careful introductions, training and patience.
Dachshunds can be feisty little furballs that are territorial and jealous of other animals that get your attention. It’s often easier to introduce a Dachshund into a home with a cat, rather than introduce a cat into a home with a Dachshund.
They are a friendly breed that can get on well with other dogs if they’ve been socialised from an early age. They’re known to have a particular affinity for other Dachshunds or pups of a similar size and temperament.
Is a Dachshund a good family dog?
This breed is lively, affectionate and loyal, which makes them attractive as a family dog. They can be good with children but may need careful supervision during play to minimise sudden jolts or strains that may cause back injuries.
When should I desex my Dachshund?
Generally speaking, most Dachshunds are desexed once they stop growing. Consult your veterinarian about the best time to desex your dog. They’ll consider your pup’s age, size and overall health before providing personalised advice.
How should Dachshunds be picked up and held?
Keep a Dachshund’s back as straight as possible to protect their spine when handling them. Use both hands to pick them up, placing one under their chest and the other under their abdomen or rump.
Which type of Dachshund has the best temperament?
Anecdotally, pet parents and breeders consider the wire-haired type to be more energetic due to the Terrier genetics in their lineage. Long-haired Dachshunds are often regarded as being the calmest because of their Spaniel genes, while the short-haired breed is generally said to have a temperament in the middle of the other two. Although, all dogs are different!
For how long is a Dachshund pregnant?
A Dachshund can be pregnant for around 63 days or nine weeks from conception.
Adding a spunky sausage dog to your pack is sure to add a bit of spice to your life!
When it comes to their diet, Lyka exists to make life happy and healthy for them, and easy for you. We’re proud to be fueling Dachshunds across Australia — from peppy puppies to golden oldies.
Join our pack of Dachshund parents today and benefit from fresh, home-delivered meals.