Green in name in nature: our sustainability initiatives

By Amy Clarke

At Lyka, we’re proud to say we have implemented a range of sustainability initiatives to reduce our carbon pawprint. Green in name and nature, we strongly believe that our puppers deserve great food, but it shouldn’t be at the cost of our planet, and that’s why we’ve worked hard to become Australia’s only carbon negative dog food.
Our ingredients – fresh, local, and perfectly imperfect
Did you know that over 30% of food is wasted? A percentage that is far too high, so to avoid being a part of this problem, we support local farmers and sustainability by sourcing and using veggies that are deemed too ugly for supermarket shelves. So, whilst our veggies may not be the prettiest, they certainly are bursting with nutritious goodness for your pupper. There’s truly no need for good quality veggies to go to waste – the uglier the better we say!
At Lyka we are big on sourcing locally, ethically and sustainably, with 80-90% of our produce coming from Aussie farmers to minimise freight and food miles.
Our packaging – let’s break it down
To protect the planet and support sustainability, we have worked hard to make sure all elements of our packaging are recyclable.
The box
Your pupper’s delivery box has been designed to be tossed in your regular recycling bin with all your other boxes, bottles and paper scraps. Even in our Aussie kitchens, we recycle 90% of our cardboard and paper.
The pouches
To keep soft plastics out of landfill, simply give your Lyka pouches a wash, dry them out and drop them off at your local REDcycle collection point. They utilise recovered material to produce a range of recycled products.
The wool insulation
One of the coolest parts of our packaging is our wool insulation. It is biodegradable but it can also be repurposed in a multitude of ways – all it takes is some creative thinking. One of our clever pack members even used it to insulate their caravan!
The insulation wrapping
Our most recent innovation is the introduction of biodegradable wrapping, which will break down in six months when tossed into your regular bin or even an organics bin if you have one. Softer than our original wrapping, the new material allows us to maintain the high-quality insulation, whilst also doing our bit to help the planet.
How to re-purpose your wool insulation
In the garden: our wool liner makes a great weed mat or coir alternative in a planter
For your pupper: as insulation for beds and kennels, or to pad up stuffed animal toys to give them a new lease of life
For your worms or bees: add it to your worm farm or use it as insulation in a beehive
As a cooler: to insulate shopping bags and picnic baskets
Our carbon footprint – committing to being green from snoot to tail
Our commitment to the planet is real. ‘Going green’ is not just lip service for us. We have considered total emissions generated by our food and where we cannot reduce we offset to exceed what we emit. For example, the daily emission of an average pupper on Lyka sits at around 3.8kg of C02eq, but post offset we are achieving negative carbon emission for our pack. In comparison a pupper on a kibble diet is outputting an average of 4.4kg of C02eq.
Our emissions are offset by planting native trees across Australia. We proudly partner with GreenFleet, one of the most reputable carbon project managers in the Country. Our team also gets involved with the tree planting too, with these photos taken at a tree planting day in Kurnell in May 2022.
Lyka: where we care about your pupper’s pawprint
Our commitment to reducing our impact on the planet is ongoing and we will continue to embrace and explore new methods so we can constantly improve. We want our puppers to have great food that doesn’t impact our environment, and to do our bit to make our world a cleaner and healthier place for you and your pups.