How to protect your dog from the dangers of ticks

By Amy Clarke

Ticks are something that all dog owners must be aware of, as they can occur all year round and be a serious danger to your dog’s health.
Ticks are small parasites that feed on human and animal blood. In Australia there are about 70 different types of ticks but most bites are caused by the paralysis tick, which can cause severe illness and, unfortunately, are often fatal. These ticks release a neurotoxin and after prolonged attachment, the engorged tick transmits the toxin to its host. Daily checking for ticks will go a long way in ensuring they can be removed before they have done too much damage.
Ticks range in size from as small as a pin head to as big as your little fingernail and they come in different colours from shades of brown to reddish brown and black. They thrive in warm weather, so it is important to be particularly mindful during the summer months. Generally, tick season is from October to March although mild winters and lots of rain at the beginning of spring and summer can contribute to a rise in tick cases outside this window. It is safest to assume that ticks can affect your pet all year round.
The paralysis tick is found on the east coast of Australia from Victoria to North Queensland. Other common but less dangerous ticks found in other parts of the country include the bush tick, brown dog tick and cattle tick.
Tick poisoning requires urgent vet attention: know the symptoms
If your dog exhibits signs of heavy, noisy breathing, coughing, vomiting, wobbly back legs or collapse do not delay seeking help.
Where to look for ticks on your dog
Head and ears
With so many crevices, the ears are an ideal hiding place for ticks. Make sure to look on the outside of your pup’s ears and deep into the ear, as ticks can get attached and go unnoticed for a long time.
Ticks on eyelids can be easily missed as they get mistaken for skin tags. They can even embed themselves inside the eyelid so be sure to check pupper’s eyes.
High up where your pup’s front legs meet their body is what we often refer to as the armpit region. It’s nice and dark here and the perfect spot for a tick, so be sure to check this area thoroughly and regularly.
Ticks often embed themselves in between the toes or even on the bottom of the foot near the pads.
Ticks like dark, moist areas, so the underside of the tail is a notable hiding spot and an area where they can go unnoticed for some time. A thorough search with a fine comb will likely catch a tick that’s attached itself under the tail.
Because this area is moist and dark and hidden by the tail it is a great hiding spot for ticks. Be sure to keep a close eye on this area.
Under the collar
Don’t forget to check this area. It is worth getting into the habit of regularly removing your dog's collar and doing a thorough check as ticks can easily go unnoticed for quite some time here.
Most doggies love a good scratch so try and make your daily tick check fun for your pupper. You can comb through their fur with your fingers. Press gently so you can feel any bumps on the skin. Ticks come in many sizes ranging from a pinhead to grape. If you find a bump, part your dog’s fur so you can see their skin. Look for a black, brown, or greyish-brown bug. You might only see the tick’s body but other times you will also see their legs.
How to safely remove a tick
If you find a tick it is important that you remove it immediately and in the right way.
The best way to remove a tick is with a pair of fine-point tweezers. These are needed to avoid tearing or breaking the tick and spreading infections into the bite area. We also recommend wearing a pair of latex or rubber gloves so you can keep the area as clean as possible.
Spread your dog’s fur and grasp the tick as close to the skin as possible. Use a gentle slow and steady motion to pull the tick straight upward. Pulling in this direction will minimise the chance of breaking the tick’s mouth off so that it remains stuck in your pup’s skin.
Here’s our 5-step guide to prepare your dog for tick season
1. Follow the right preventative treatment
Hopefully, you are already following a preventative tick treatment plan for your dog, but if not, summer is the time to start. There are many options available. The most popular is the monthly topical treatments, but there are also collars and shampoos designed to prevent ticks. Talk to your vet for more information and to find the best treatment for your dog. No matter what you use, be sure to follow the application frequency as per instructions, otherwise, the treatment’s effectiveness could decrease.
2. Avoid tick-prone areas where possible
During tick season do your best to avoid long grass: the prime spot for the pesky parasites. If you have a backyard, keep the grass short. Mowing the lawn is something we all put off, but summer is not the best time for this! If you’re walking or hiking with your dog, try to keep them on the path and away from long grass and bushes.
3. Regularly check your dog for ticks
Even if you’re using a preventative tick treatment, it’s important to physically check your dog’s coat for any signs on ticks. It’s a simple as a quick pat down on their whole bodies, paying close attention to between their toes and armpits. Daily checks are preferable, and you can also incorporate a pat down as part of their brushing and washing routine. Your dog will love you for the extra pats!
4. Consider clipping your dog’s coat
If you have a long-haired dog, consider clipping their coat. Not only will it make potential ticks easier to find during pat downs, it will also make it harder for the ticks to latch on in the first place. Your dog will also be a lot happier on those hot days with a little less fur.
5. Know what to do if you find a tick on your dog
If you discover a tick, taking quick action is key. Remove the tick with tweezers, making sure to remove the whole body. Keep an eye on your dog for other unusual symptoms such as shivers, fever, pains or a rash. If you notice anything unusual, take your dog to the vet immediately.
After you have removed the tick
Place the tick in a glass jar or something that you can seal. Add a teaspoon of rubbing alcohol to kill the bug and save it for a few weeks.
Wash your hands thoroughly and clean the bite site with rubbing alcohol. Always clean the tweezers with disinfectant and keep an eye on the bite area of the coming weeks in case it becomes irritated or infected.
Regardless of whether your dog shows symptoms of more serious poisoning, you should always call your vet to report the discovery of a tick and ask whether they should be physically assessed, as this is usually a good idea and highly recommended. Take the tick in it to your vet so it can be identified.
We recommend you have a discussion with your vet to assess the risks versus benefits of tick prevention options. Unfortunately, most natural methods such as need oil and scalar collars are unlikely to be appropriate for protecting against paralysis ticks found in Australia. If your dog is showing signs of tick poisoning seek immediate attention from a vet.
Never remove a tick with your fingers as this method may cause more poison to be released into your dog’s skin.
If you don’t feel confident removing the tick call your vet and arrange for them to remove it for you. This is a good opportunity for a professional lesson on how to do it yourself.
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