Lyka Story: Fresh, natural dog food for cavoodle sisters Nala and Kira
By Lyka Staff

Two gorgeous dogs can only mean one thing – a whole lot of love! And that’s exactly what Nala and Kira, cavoodles born six months apart, brought into the lives of Colleen and her family.
Meet Nala and Kira, the friendly cavoodles
Colleen had been looking for a furry companion to join the family for many months. She knew she wanted a small dog and one that loved being around people. After keeping her eye out for the perfect pup, she came across a reputable breeder near Byron Bay, and after spending time talking with them, knew she had to put a deposit down. It wasn’t long before Nala had joined Colleen’s clan, and then just six months later, adorable Kira came along.
Even though they are sisters, they have completely different personalities.
“Nala is my shadow, and always has to be touching me and gets very upset if I’m not around. She’s also my laundry buddy, she can’t get enough of clean washing – wherever it is, you’ll find Nala sleeping on it. Kira on the other hand, is extremely bold and confident, although she does get a little anxious about certain things, but don’t we all!”
Nala and Kira’s fur mama, Colleen
Both pups just love cats, especially Nala, and have bonded over their love of felines – very lucky considering that Colleen fosters both cats and kittens, and even has five of her own!
There’s no doubt that Nala and Kira provide a lot of fun and laughter for Colleen and her family.
“We took Nala and Kira to a friend’s house one day – they live on acreage, and both girls disappeared for about an hour, only coming back to the house when they were covered nose to tail in mud, it was absolutely hilarious!”
Nala and Kira’s fur mama, Colleen
From supermarket food to a fresh, natural diet!
With two new gorgeous furry family members, life was looking good, but Colleen soon noticed that Nala was suffering from regular ear infections and a serious case of skin itchiness, with red swollen patches popping up on her stomach, indicating that she was allergic to something in her food.
“I spent a fortune at the vet trying to work out the best way forward, including putting Nala on an elimination diet and doing numerous allergy tests.”
Nala and Kira’s fur mama, Colleen
It was from this moment that Colleen started looking into natural feeding options, aware that the added nutrients and preservative-free approach might help to rid Nala of her health woes – something she knew the supermarket-bought foods weren’t helping with.
But like any busy mother, she soon discovered that as much as she was committed to cooking Nala’s food from scratch, she just did not have the time or capacity. So, where to from here? Google, of course. In her quest for alternative natural feeding options, she stumbled upon Lyka.
Freshly prepared using local, natural ingredients, Lyka ticked all the boxes – especially the one about convenient home delivery. Nala was sorted.
Now it was onto Kira.
Kira was a very fussy eater, definitely not one of the puppers that lives for mealtime. In fact, mealtime was becoming quite a stressful event, with Colleen having to sit by Kira and hand-feed her to make sure she ate. It was becoming increasingly obvious that Kira was underweight and definitely not getting all the nutrients she needed.
“From her first Lyka bowl, Kira dived right in – I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Now she lives for mealtime and licks the bowl clean, it’s been such an incredible change.”
Nala and Kira’s fur mama, Colleen
Life on Lyka
Nala has only had one minor ear infection since being on Lyka, and she hasn’t had any skin flare-ups – such a treat considering she spent much of her time itching.
Meanwhile, Kira has gained 2kg and is maintaining a suitable weight for her frame. Her poops are also regular and the ideal shape and texture, making clean-up so much easier!
As for which recipes the girls prefer?
“Nala loves the Lamb Bowl, whilst Kira can’t get enough of the Chicken Bowl!”
Nala and Kira’s fur mama, Colleen
Lyka: made for dogs of all ages
Lyka is complete and balanced for all life stages, taking your dog from puppyhood right through to their golden years. Low GI, high in fibre and rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids, our recipes help to minimise the risk of developing cancer and chronic diseases, giving your dog the best chance to live a long and healthy life – with a shiny coat to boot!
Start building your pup's best life today!