A REDcycle update and Lyka's next steps to an alternative community recycling solution

By Olivia Blazevic

At Lyka, we strongly believe there is no time to waste for climate action, which is why we’re proud to be Australia’s first carbon-negative dog food.
Sadly, the REDcycle soft plastic collection scheme we use to recycle our meal pouches has stopped operations temporarily — REDcycle is not set to resume normal operations until at least mid-2023.
We are currently seeking alternative solutions for community recycling which we will share as soon as possible. RecyclingNearYou allows you to search for alternative soft plastic recycling vendors that Lyka customers can use as an interim solution. Recycle Smart partners with APR Plastics to collect soft plastics and drops them off at a consolidation point in your council. You can also contact your local council for soft plastic recycling options based on your location.
In the background, we’ve been working on new bio-based packaging derived from plant material for our meal products that is set to be released very soon — an Australian first that will hopefully set a precedent for others to follow. This new packaging can be recycled through normal recycling processes.
In our facilities, we continue to recycle soft plastics through an alternative service with Wanless. We’ve also drastically reduced single-use plastic in operation from pallets and shrink wraps, to gloves to bin bags, and use very close to 100% biodegradable plastic throughout our internal operation.
Our boxes are still made from 100% recyclable materials, and our wool insulation and treat pouches are completely biodegradable and break down in about 30 weeks.
Reducing emissions and waste is important to us, and we’re so glad our community shares these strong values too.
We hope these soft plastic and recycling conversations sprout more serious discussions around making better, more permanent changes to our Australian systems.
Have any questions? Please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Customer Care team.