The benefits of spirulina for your dog

By Amy Clarke

Spirulina is a type of algae and has been identified as a powerful superfood that can benefit your dog. Nutrient-dense, it contains high levels of antioxidants as well as anti-inflammatory properties and has been shown to enhance immunity in humans and other animals.
But, it doesn’t stop there.
Spirulina contains iron for haemoglobin and red blood cells, as well as magnesium for energy production, and potassium for the nervous system and normal bodily function. Recent research in animals indicates that it may also reduce allergies in dogs.
What is spirulina?
Spirulina is a type of blue-green algae, a freshwater plant which grows in tropical areas in Asia, the Americas and Central Africa.
It is safe for consumption by humans and animals, and became well-known after NASA used it as a supplement for astronauts going on space missions. Cool, huh?
What are the benefits of spirulina?
Spirulina packs a punch thanks to its powerful nutrition profile. High in protein, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and essential fatty acids, it has been shown to be successful in reducing inflammation and enhancing immunity, whilst high doses in humans demonstrated protective effects toward allergic rhinitis.
Spirulina and immunity
Recent research has highlighted that like humans, dogs can also receive immune benefits from consuming spirulina.
A study measured the response of dogs to a rabies vaccine with one test group supplemented with spirulina and the other having none. The group with spirulina supplementation showed a higher vaccine response and immune status and enhanced gut health.
Can spirulina help with dog allergies?
Incredibly, research in mice is indicating that spirulina provides enhanced defence against infectious diseases and reduces allergic inflammation.
Based on the results of the study into the immune benefits that dogs received from spirulina, it is hoped that the anti-allergenic response in mice may well apply to dogs, but more research is necessary. Lyka is encouraged by this and will watch with interest.
Lyka: Find spirulina in our Grass-Fed Beef Bowl
Our high protein spirulina is sustainably harvested using a low energy harvest system to ensure as little impact on the environment as possible. Dried at low temperatures to ensure the maximum amount of amino acids and nutrients are retained, the spirulina is free of toxins and regularly tested for continual safety. You can find spirulina in our Grass-Fed Beef Bowl.
At Lyka we are committed to staying up to date with the latest research in dog nutrition and natural feeding, so that we can continue to deliver the very best food for your favourite furry friend.
Are you ready to start your fresh food journey and experience the benefits of spirulina? Order a Starter Box today!