Why do dogs eat grass?
By Lyka Staff

Nearly every dog owner has been in a frustrating situation where his or her dog is in the yard and will not stop munching on the greenery.
Perhaps when you have asked your dog to stop eating the grass, your pooch has only run around the yard biting at grass blades, as if to mock you. Why do dogs eat grass, and is this behaviour safe? Here, the reasons dogs eat grass will be discussed.
1. Boredom
When dogs are bored they find interesting ways to entertain themselves. One theory for why dogs eat grass is that they are searching for worms in the ground, either out of boredom or due to a hereditary hunting trait. While searching for in-ground creatures, grass is sometimes ingested as a result. If you believe your dog is eating grass simply because he or she has nothing better to do, limit your dog’s time spent alone outside or purchase interactive toys for your pet.
2. Seeking attention
Dogs love attention, and do not discriminate in the type that they receive. If you have ever yelled at your dog or brought him or her indoors because of the grass eating, you have unknowingly reinforced the behaviour. Therefore, one possibility for eating grass is that your dog is seeking the same type of attention that has been given in the past because of this behaviour.
3. Poor diet
Sometimes, dogs eat grass because they are experiencing nutrient deficiency. This is especially true when dogs are not receiving enough fibre in their diet. If your dog has started eating grass (in addition to feces and/or dirt) after switching to new dog food, consider whether his or her diet may be to blame.
4. Gastrointestinal distress
Perhaps the most common reason that a dog eats grass is to make itself throw up to relieve any type of gastrointestinal discomfort. When a dog eats something that does not agree with his or her stomach, gorging on grass or water is a surefire way to induce vomiting. If your dog frequently eats grass until vomiting, schedule an appointment with a veterinarian to determine if your dog has an underlying illness.
5. Gastric reflux/irritable bowel syndrome
Interestingly, chronic grass eating has been linked with irritable bowel syndrome and gastric reflux in dogs. Veterinarians performed a study see if there were any abnormalities among dogs whose owners complained of bouts of eating grass in conjunction with symptoms such as licking the air, gulping, and anxiety after meals. What veterinarians found is that these dogs often have more acid in their stomachs, which can lead to the aforementioned symptoms as well as irritable bowel syndrome. One remedy is to slow down your dog’s eating by use of a slow-bowl, and to ask for a prescription for a canine antacid for your pet.
6. Evolution
Finally, the answer to this question may simply be rooted in science and evolution. Researchers have observed both wolves and wild dogs indulging in greens. A prevailing theory among evolutionary biologists is that the high fibre content of grass helps to keep parasites out of the intestinal tract by making bowel movements more regular. While today’s dogs do not need to de-worm themselves thanks to modern preventative medicines, some canines have retained this habit.
Is eating grass safe for dogs?
The short answer is yes, as grass is highly unlikely to cause a bowel obstruction or any other negative side effects. However, the behaviour is unsafe if the grass has been treated with any chemicals, particularly fertilizers or pesticides. If your dog is a known grass eater, keep him or her away from treated areas in your yard by utilizing temporary fencing. Additionally, grass eating is generally safe so long as grass is the only greenery being consumed. For instance, plants such as daffodils, azaleas, lilies, aloe, jade, and tulips are all toxic to pets.
Contact a veterinarian immediately if you believe your dog has consumed an indoor or outdoor plant and is showing signs of pain, weakness, excessive drooling, rapid heart rate, vomiting, diarrhea, or pale gums.
Additionally, sometimes grass eating can result in a grass-filled stool. Occasionally, long pieces of grass are difficult for dogs to pass. It is important that pet owners never pull these pieces of grass from their dogs, because doing so can result in intestinal harm in rare cases. Instead, it is best to allow the dog to pass the grass naturally.
Should dogs that eat grass see a veterinarian?
If eating grass is a habit that your dog has always enjoyed, there is little need to schedule a visit to a veterinarian, However, if grass eating marks a sudden change in behaviour, it would be warranted to talk to a professional.
Additionally, if grass eating is accompanied by other symptoms, such as licking the air, gulping, or discomfort after meals then you should ask your vet whether your dog is showing signs of acid reflux or irritable bowel syndrome. In some instances, the veterinarian can prescribe medications to relieve these symptoms.
Finally, if grass eating has begun after a change in diet, consider switching back to your old dog food to see if the behaviour disappears. In this case, your dog may simply be seeking more fibre in his or her diet, which you could discuss with your veterinarian if you are in doubt about the right foods for your dog.
Is it normal?
There is evidence to suggest that eating grass is innate as it is seen in wild dogs as well as domesticated dogs and pups. There’s a good chance your pupper is chewing on grass because they like the taste. Dogs are omnivores, so it is a natural part of their genetic makeup to crave greens.
Grass is high in fibre. If their diet is lacking in nutrients, it could be a way for them to access the roughage required to assist their digestion and to pass gas and stools. The best way to be sure your pupper is getting a complete and balanced diet is to curate a custom Lyka meal plan perfectly designed for your dog.
What should you look out for?
There is a belief that dogs sometimes eat grass to induce vomiting if they are feeling unwell. However, studies have shown a low incidence of vomiting with grass eating. Fewer than 25 percent of dogs vomit from eating grass and only 10% show signs of illness prior to eating grass, meaning most are not likely eating it because they’re sick.
If your pupper is chewing on large chunks of grass very quickly without chewing, this may induce vomiting.
Grass may have been sprayed with harmful herbicides and pesticides, so it is important to be aware of where your favourite furry friend is getting their grass from. Take note of any council signage in parks that indicates recent spraying.
Grass can also contain parasites so make sure your dog is up to date with their worming medication.
When should you see your vet?
If your pupper seems to be eating grass more frequently than usual or to excess, this can be a sign that they are trying to self-treat an illness. So, be on the watch for vomiting, diarrhoea, weight loss, decrease in appetite, blood in the stool, lethargy or excessive lip licking.
If you notice your dog habitually eats other non-food items, they may have a condition called pica. This condition is associated with nutritional deficiencies and a compulsion to eat things such as metal, plastic, cloth, garbage, dirt, rocks, paper and even faeces. This can be dangerous and may lead to bowel obstructions.
Excessive grass eating can be a sign of boredom or anxiety. It may be worth mentioning to your vet or dog trainer. You may even find that some extra stimulation and interactive toys can help.
Of course, if you think your dog has ingested a toxin, consult your vet as soon as possible.
Overall, there are many reasons for dogs to eat grass with little cause for concern. This behaviour is likely rooted in evolution, but should be addressed if the dog’s behaviour drastically changes, or if your pet begins to eat grass frequently until vomiting.
Care should always be taken to ensure dogs are not eating fertilized or chemically treated grass. In addition, dog owners should know which indoor and outdoor plants are strictly off-limits to pets.