Why does my dog get ear infections?
By Lyka Staff

Excellent hearing is one of your dog’s super senses, as they hear frequencies much higher and lower than we can.
Pup’s ears are, however, prone to problems and are a big reason for vet visits. Ear infections are an all-too-common health issue for dogs, and if you or your furry friend has experienced one, you know that they can be quite painful. If your dog has chronic or recurring ear infections, it could be a sign that something else is going on. While many ear infections are linked to food intolerances, it’s reassuring to know that they may be prevented by modifying your pup’s diet.
What are ear infections?
An outer ear infection, or otitis externa, occurs in the external portion of the ear canal, and is one of the most common infections seen in dogs. Although any breed of dog can experience ear infections, Cocker Spaniels, Old English Sheepdogs and other pups with beautiful big, floppy or fluffy ears are particularly susceptible.
You can tell if your pup’s ears are in good health if they are pink on the inside, clean and don’t smell. If they have an ear infection, they might show some of these symptoms:
Scratching at ears or rubbing ears on the floor
Shaking or tilting the head
Blackish/yellow discharge
Redness or scaly skin
Hearing loss
Swelling around the ear
If your dog has any of these symptoms, it’s important to visit your vet as untreated ear infections can seriously affect their health.
What causes dog ear infections?
Allergies and food intolerances are the most common cause, with half of dogs with canine atopic dermatitis from allergies and 80% with food sensitivities, developing ear infections.
There is also a link between chronic ear infections and low thyroid function, referred to as hypothyroidism.
Foreign bodies, parasites, moisture, excessive cleaning or excess wax production might also be to blame for your dog’s ear infection.
How are dog ear infections diagnosed and treated?
If you suspect your dog has an ear infection, remember to see your vet as soon as possible. Your vet will examine their ears and remove any foreign bodies or wax buildup. To help determine the best course of treatment, your vet might also take a swab and examine it under a microscope. If your dog has chronic ear infections, they may send the sample to a pathology lab for further testing to help identify any underlying issues.
Once diagnosed, ear infections can be treated successfully but, if left untreated, deep ear infections may cause the eardrum to rupture, which can lead to an internal ear infection or permanent hearing loss. Because dogs with ear infections are constantly scratching and shaking their head to alleviate the pain, they can develop a condition called an ‘aural hematoma’ where the blood vessels in the ear break, causing a painful swelling that requires surgery.
How can your dog’s diet help?
If your vet suspects that a specific food ingredient is linked to your pup’s ear symptoms, they may recommend trying an elimination diet to help identify the culprit. Studies have shown that some commercial food contains ingredients that are actually different to what’s written on the label – either missing ingredients or containing proteins or other ingredients that aren’t disclosed.
Because you can’t be sure exactly what’s hiding in commercial dog food, and because the Australian pet food industry is largely unregulated, it’s incredibly difficult to know if the food has an ingredient that your dog is allergic to.
Beyond avoiding food allergens, there are also certain ingredients you can feed your pup that actually work to optimise ear health. The ear is just a specialised type of skin, so food packed with nutrients like Omega 3 fatty acids is great for keeping your pup’s ears healthy.
Why Lyka is great for dog ear infections
At Lyka, we only use human-grade ingredients and because our ingredients list lets you know exactly what’s in our recipes and what’s not, you can be confident about what you’re feeding your pup. Importantly, Lyka recipes do not contain any common allergens like wheat, dairy or soy.
Even if you do discover that your pup is sensitive to a particular ingredient, Lyka’s wide range of recipes offer a variety of high-quality and completely delicious options to choose from that are sure to get your pup’s tail wagging at mealtime.
Want to see Lyka in action? Just look at how we helped gorgeous Gus with his ear infections.