Why superfoods are good for dogs

By Lucie Rolls

There’s been a buzz about superfoods in human diets for around two decades now, and there’s no reason why our puppers can’t share the health benefits. Lyka’s delicious recipes are filled to the brim with these nutrient dense ingredients, so learn how to supercharge your pup’s diet with our A-Z guide.
Our favourite pizza herb, not only does basil taste great it can also turbocharge your pupper’s diet.
What are the benefits?
Basil contains high levels of Vitamins K, which plays an important role in blood clotting.
Basil is also rich in Vitamins A and C and a great source of iron and magnesium.
There is evidence that basil can help regulate blood sugar, all important in diabetes prevention.
Where can I find it?
Basil is a key ingredient in our delicious Free-Range Chicken Bowl.
Beetroot powder
With its distinctive red shade, this vibrant superfood is packed full of nutrients for our puppers.
What are the benefits?
Beetroot derives its crimson hue from betalains, a group of antioxidants with anti-inflammatory properties.
Beetroot contains a significant amount of folic acid, essential for red blood cell production.
Your puppers will also be consuming manganese and potassium; minerals that play a part in energy production and regulating fluid balance.
Where can I find it?
Beetroot powder, which is simply dehydrated beetroot, is a tasty addition to our Grass-Fed Lamb Bowl.
The tiny blueberry punches well above its weight when it comes to nutritional value.
What are the benefits?
Blueberries are heaped with antioxidants, which help defend our puppers from harmful molecules known as free radicals.
Do you have a senior dog? The high levels of antioxidants and Vitamin K in blueberries are particularly great for our older furry friends.
Research suggests that the ellagic acid in blueberries could reduce cancer risk in dogs.
Where can I find it?
Our Grass-Fed Lamb Bowl contains a healthy dose of these fantastic immunity boosters.
A tropical favourite, we use a beneficial serving for your dog to reap the benefits, but in small enough doses to avoid any tummy upsets in our puppers.
What are the benefits?
Coconut has anti-inflammatory properties and is another antioxidant powerhouse.
Lauric acid, contained in coconut, is useful in fighting infection.
Coconut can also keep our puppers looking tip top, improving the appearance and feel of their skin and coat.
Where can I find it?
Our Grass-Fed Lamb Bowl contains this delicious ingredient, hand-harvested in Indonesia.
Long used in medicines in Asian and Arabian cultures, ginger is a powerful ingredient in keeping our puppers fighting fit.
What are the benefits?
Ginger’s anti-inflammatory and anti-antioxidant properties are well-regarded.
Ever had a calming ginger tea when you feel nauseous? Ginger helps with sensitive stomachs and digestive function.
Where can I find it?
We spice things up with ginger in our Grass-Fed Beef Bowl.
Hemp seeds
These protein-packed tiny seeds can help in the fight against inflammation.
What are the benefits?
Hemp seeds have an ideal omega 3 to omega 6 ratio. Too much omega 6 is linked to chronic inflammation and needs to be balanced out by anti-inflammatory omega 3s.
They are a great source of magnesium, a key mineral for energy production.
Hemp seeds contain phosphorus, a major player in bone health.
Where can I find it?
Your pupper can enjoy the benefits of hemp seeds in our Grass-Fed Lamb Bowl.
It’s green and slimy, but we all know that looks can be deceiving! Along with spirulina, kelp is an ocean-growing nutritional powerhouse with a multitude of benefits for your pup.
What are the benefits?
Kelp is high in iodine, essential for thyroid health.
Kelp contains high levels of Vitamin K for blood clotting.
With its anti-inflammatory properties, kelp can help reduce redness, inflammation and irritation.
Where can I find it?
Every pupper is catered for with kelp – you can find it in each of our recipes.
Shiitake powder
Shiitake mushrooms have a long history of use in Eastern Medicine and now these vitamin-packed funghi are being devoured by our puppers.
What are the benefits?
Mushrooms are jam-packed with Vitamin D, essential for muscular-skeletal health.
The research points to immunity boosting properties of mushrooms.
Your pupper will get a Vitamin B2 boost from shiitake mushroom powder, which helps convert fat and carbohydrates into energy.
Where can I find it?
To get a healthy mushroom hit, check out our Free-Range Chicken Bowl.
Spirulina is one of the most nutrient dense superfoods out there. It’s a one-stop shop for antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.
What are the benefits?
Spirulina is another protein- rich superfood. It actually contains more protein per gram than meat.
Rich in iron, spirulina can help with red blood cell production and repair.
Spirulina contains potent minerals such as magnesium for energy production and potassium for the nervous system.
Where can I find it?
The good news is that your pupper can chow down on spirulina in our Grass-Fed Beef Bowl.
This golden-hued root has been causing a nutritional stir for a few years now, and the plus points have been enjoyed for hundreds of years in traditional medicine systems.
What are the benefits?
Turmeric contains curcumin, which is great for dogs with arthritis.
In Eastern medicine, turmeric is used as a liver detoxifier.
It’s high in the minerals choline, manganese and iron.
Where can I find it?
You don’t need to ruin your benchtop anymore with impossible to remove stains – turmeric is conveniently added to our Barn-Raised Turkey Bowl.
Lyka: filled with super good superfoods
Want to find out more about our superfoods? Dive deep into our extensive list of ingredients and passion for sustainability, and be assured that your adorable pupper is getting a delicious, nutrient-packed feed with every mouthful of Lyka.